Apa yang dimaksud dengan airport management

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Airline and airport management is the administration of airports and airlines.[1] It includes the activities of setting the strategy of airports to gather and provide information on airline commercial and operational priorities.[2] It covers a broad overview of the airline management. It is also studied as a branch of study[3] that teaches management of airport and airlines.[4] This provides a broad overview of the airline industry and creates awareness of the underlying marketing, financial, operational, and other factors influencing airline management. This study provides information on airline commercial and operational priorities, along with teaching the key characteristics of aircraft selection and the impact of airport decision making.[5]

The global airline industry continues to grow rapidly, but consistent and robust profitability is elusive. Measured by revenue, the industry has doubled over the past decade, from US$369 billion in 2004 to a projected $746 billion in 2014, according to the International Air Transport Association [IATA].

Much of that growth has been driven by low-cost carriers [LCCs], which now control some 25 percent of the worldwide market and which have been expanding rapidly in emerging markets; growth also came from continued gains by carriers in developed markets, the IATA reported. Yet profit margins are still low, less than 3 percent overall.

In the commercial aviation sector, just about every group in the aviation industry chain—airports, airplane manufacturers, jet engine makers, travel agents, and service companies, to name a few—turns a profit. It is seemingly ironic that the airline companies that actually move passengers from one place to another, the most crucial link in the chain, struggle to make a profit.

This is largely due to the complex nature of the business, manifested in part by the significant degree of regulation [which minimizes consolidation], and the vulnerability of airlines to outside events that happen with regularly, such as security concerns and volcanic eruptions. Ongoing price pressure is also a factor; the airline industry is one of the few sectors that has seen prices fall for decades. Since the 1950s, airline yields [defined as the average fare paid by a passenger per kilometer] have consistently dropped.

Given these circumstances, airlines must continue to focus on top-line growth because their limited profitability depends almost solely on revenue gains, while increasing productivity in order to shore up and perhaps even increase margins. The way individual commercial airlines react to and navigate several trends playing out across the globe will determine carrier performance in the coming years.[6]


Marketing is another critical factor in managing an airline company. It is one vital way to inform the public about the airline company.[7]

  1. ^ Wald, Andreas; Fay, Christoph; Gleich, Ronald [2010]. Introduction to Aviation Management. LIT Verlag Münster. ISBN 9783643106261.
  2. ^ "BLUE CUBE AVIATION - a complete flight solution". bluecubeaviation.com. Retrieved 2019-11-18.
  3. ^ "Airline and Airport Management". The Hindu. 30 June 2011. Retrieved 8 June 2015.
  4. ^ "Airline Management". MIT OpenCourseWare. 2006. Retrieved 8 June 2015.
  5. ^ "Airline Management for Airport Professionals". Airports Council International. Retrieved 8 June 2015.
  6. ^ "2015 Aviation Trends". Strategy&.
  7. ^ Wensveen, John [2011]. Air Transportation, a Management Perspective. Ashgate Publishing Limited.

  • Banfe, Charles [1992]. Airline Management. Prentice Hall. ISBN 9780130191830.
  • Dempsey, Paul Stephen; Gesell, Laurence E. [2006]. Airline Management: Strategies for the 21st Century. Coast Aire Publications. ISBN 9781890938093.
  • Airport & Airline Management: The Journal of Civil Aviation Administration. 1962.

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Training Syllabus:


Pelatihan ini dibuat untuk professional yang terkait dengan transportasi udara, regulator Penerbangan, operator Penerbangan, Managers Airlines,  dan Profesional yang ingin mendalami bidang Transportasi udara khususnya terkait dengan Kebandarudaraan dan operasional kegiatan Bandar Udara. Peserta akan mendapatkan pengetahuan dan informasi dengan terperinci dalam aktifitas di Bandar Udara, operasional Penerbangan, aktifitas Tower [ATC], Aircraft movement centre dan sebagainya.



  1. Peserta dapat memahami Kebandar Udaraan, Pengertian, bagian-bagain dan aktifitasnya
  2. Peserta dapat memahami alur pergerekan Penumpang, Bagasi dan Cargo
  3. Peserta dapat memahami pergerakan Pesawat di Apron, Runway, Taxi way
  4. Peserta mampu mengklasifikasikan dan memahami bagian-bagian dari Air side dan Land Side
  5. Peserta mampu mengidentifikasi apa yang dimaksud dengan Runway, Stop Way, Clear way, TORA,TODA, ASDA,dll .
  6. Peserta dapat memahami tentang IATA, ICAO, KEMENHUBUD dan aturan yang melandasinya
  7. Peserta mampu mengidentifikasi aktifitas dan kegiatan pada saat pesawat berada di APRON
  8. Peserta memahami tata cara Penanganan Penumpang di Bandar Udara, Special Passanger [ UM, VIP, Blind Pax, Elders, Fregnant Mother,etc]
  9. Peserta mampu mendeskripsikan Barang-barang yang boleh di bawa ke atas Pesawat dan yang tidak boleh di bawa
  10. Peserta memahami tata cara Ramp Handling, Parking, Marshalling, Refueling, Loading/Unloading
  11. Peserta memahami komunikasi Penerbangan menurut standart International
  12. Peserta memahami 2 letter code, 3 letter code dan 4 letter code pada standar penerbangan
  13. Peserta memahami peralatan yang digunakan pada saat operational penerbangan di darat [APRON]



  • Sejarah Penerbangan dunia dan sejarah organisasi Penerbangan dunia, ICAO, IATA, FAA dan lain lain.
  • Penjelasan tentang Kebandarudaraan, Air side dan bagian-bagiannya
  • Land Side dan bagian bagiannya.
  • Pengertian Apron, Taxi way, Run way dan juga TORA,TORA dan ASDA. Kegiatan operasional selama barada di ground [Tata Operasi Darat].
  • Procedure penanganan penumpang, bagasi dan cargo
  • Identifikasi dan klasifikasi dari Barang Berbahaya [Dangerous Goods] yang tidak bisa dibawa dalam Pesawat.
  • Pemahaman tentang Ramp Handling, Marshalling, Refueling, Loading/Unloading dalam aktifitas Penerbangan.
  • Memahami peralatan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan operasi Penerbangan.
  • Komunikasi Penerbangan dan bagian-bagian dalam monitoring dan service Air Traffic.
  • Memahami pengertian 2 letter code, 3 letter code dan 4 letter code dalam dunia Penerbangan.

INSTRUCTOR :    Rahimudin, MT.

VENUE : Yogyakarta [Ibis Styles Hotel/ Ibis Malioboro Hotel/ Jambuluwuk Hotel/ Cavinton Hotel/ Grand Zuri Hotel, dll]



  1. 27 Jan 2020-29 Jan 2020
  2. 24 Feb 2020-26 Feb 2020
  3. 02 Mar 2020-04 Mar 2020
  4. 30 Mar 2020-01 Apr 2020
  5. 18 Mei 2020-20 Mei 2020
  6. 22 Jun 2020-24 Jun 2020
  7. 29 Jun 2020-01 Jul 2020
  8. 24 Agust 2020-26 Agust 2020
  9. 31 Agust 2020-02 Sep 2020
  10. 26 Okt 2020-28 Okt 2020
  11. 23 Nop 2020-25 Nop 2020
  12. 30 Nop 2020-02 Des 2020


  1. Rp. 6.750.000/person [full fare] or
  2. Rp. 6.500.000/person [early bird, payment 1 week before training] or
  3. Rp. 6.250.000/person [if there are 3 persons or more from the same company]


  1. Modul Training
  2. Flashdisk Training berisi materi training
  3. Sertifikat
  4. ATK: NoteBook dan Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Ransel
  7. Foto Training
  8. Ruang Training dengan fasilitas Full AC dan multimedia
  9. Makan siang dan 2 kali coffeebreak
  10. Instruktur yang Qualified
  11. Transportasi untuk peserta dari hotel penginapan ke hotel tempat training – PP [jika peserta minimal dari satu perusahaan ada 4 peserta]

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